Who We are

Lutheran Church of the Cross, a growing congregation of about 75 people, is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) and is located in Muncie, IN. We are a diverse group of people in terms of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, education level, economic status, family situation, and life experience. We are a relaxed, open, congregation that welcomes new faces as we continue to grow in both size and diversity.

Our Welcome Statement

 We embrace the gifts and diversity that people bring to serve God. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, and we renounce racism and persecution in any form. We welcome all people of any race, color, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, or physical challenge. God Welcomes All and so do we! 

Mission Statement

Together in Christ, we celebrate God’s love, grace and forgiveness through worship and service.  With God’s guidance, we faithfully teach and learn, love and share, and care for each other, our community and the world.

Accessibility Information

The building is fully accessible – there are no stairs to enter or exit, nor are there any inside the building.  

LCC's pews are adjustable.  In the general set-up there is space for a wheelchair in the back.  However, if you want to sit anywhere else, please let an usher know before service begins and the pews can be moved to create space for your wheelchair.

As part of the service, the congregation frequently stands, turns, and sits, as well as being invited to come forward and kneel for communion.  This is all optional!  Some folks sit the entire service, or stand at the communion rail, or have the pastor bring communion to them if movement is difficult. No physical condition should impede your worship or communion experience.

An accessible, gender-neutral, family bathroom, equipped with safety rails and a diaper-changing station, is just outside the sanctuary door.  

Listening devices are available for those hard of hearing; please see an usher for assistance.

A limited number of large print bulletins are generally available. However, if you need one please contact the church office by the Thursday before your attendance, and our secretary will be happy to make more available. lccoffice.muncie@gmail.com or 765-288-8110.

We want you to feel safe, included, and welcome in our space; please do not hesitate to let us know how we can accommodate you and help you feel most comfortable.