Why do we have adult education classes?

It is not an uncommon view to think of Adult Christian Education (ACE ) as remedial for adults who flunked confirmation or goofed off, and missed getting a Christian education when younger.

Often we think schooling is for the young and at a certain point we graduate and are all done with education and our attitude is “thank goodness I don’t have to do that anymore”

Please think on this; Jesus taught adults. Jesus loved children but he did not call children to be his disciples. He called adults.

What will I get out of a Sunday School class?

As much as we love our kiddos, and we do, the heartbeat of the church is adults. It is adults who work and who control governments, schools, corporations, unions, social groups, charities and other institutions of our society. It is adults who decide the church’s priorities and budgets. To teach adults is to be on the firing line of Christian ministry and social change.

Many people in churches today have never brought their adult minds to bear on an understanding of the Bible. They tend to assume that Scripture has nothing specific or helpful to say to them about the real world in which they live. To them the Bible seems a relic of childhood rather than a living statement of hard-edged truths.

But the Bible was written primarily for adults, to answer adult questions, to deal with adult problems. Adult education is vital to the church because it is our opportunity to open the Word of God, the textbook of the church for people to whom it is ultimately addressed.

As children we learn/drink the milk of the Word, as adults we learn/eat the meat of the Word and how to apply it to our lives.

When is class?

Class meets in the fall, winter and, spring from 9:00am to 9:30am every Sunday.  Ending at 9:30am allows class participants to prepare for worship - and grab an extra cup of coffee.