Liturgical-Based Worship

The center of our life together is our liturgy-based Sunday morning worship service. “Liturgy” means “work of the people,” which tells you that our worship is participatory rather than a spectator event. The service includes lectionary-based preaching, Scripture readings, and hymns accompanied by a piano.  

We also celebrate Holy Communion each week. Communion is open to all who wish to receive it, regardless of denomination, including children who have been prepared. Bread and wine (or grape juice) are offered at the altar rail. Ushers will help direct you to the right place at the right time. If you have physical challenges, please tell an usher and the pastor will bring the elements to you. Adults and children can indicate their wish to receive a blessing rather than the communion elements by crossing their arms over their chest.  

You can expect the service to last for about an hour and ten minutes.

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